n.56 cm.76x101
semi-gloss on canvas
And 'the dominant religion and culture of primary about 7 million people in Haiti
Like all ancient religions also vuduismo has numerous ceremonial related to magic and is much criticized by the rest of the world.
In Haiti, as in Dominican Rep, is taken very seriously not only by illiterate peasants, but also by many members of intelligent and educated, like the theologians for Christianity.
It has its roots in Africa, Benin, Congo and Nigeria.
The Voodoo exists throughout the island of Hispaniola, Cuba, Puerto Rico and how, Candomble in Brazil.
The Vodou as we know it today, is the result of pressures from different cultures and ethnic groups who have been uprooted from Africa and imported to Hispaniola during the period of slavery.
A common faith, which could make them feel part of a culture and a community.
Vuduisti I believe, as the African tradition, that there is one God, who is the creator of all, called "Bondje", from the French "Bon Dieu" or "Good God."
But it is to the ancestors, or spirits, mysteries or angels, who asks for help, treating them with honor and respect, as older members of a family.
The focus and the key of Voodoo, is healing people from diseases.
Healing with herbs, healing of faith (with the help of rum and spirits) and now also with Western medicine!
The Voodoo priests, are both men (houngan) than women (Mambo).
Can perform religious ceremonies to call or pacify the spirits, holding initiations for new priests (tesses), telling the future and interpret dreams, casting spells, create protections, creating potions for various purposes (from love spells spells death ).
The priests may receive fees, taxes or similar offers paid to the rabbis, mullahs or priests.
As no evidence exists that the effectiveness of these spells, there may be doubts about the taking of these superstitions on the people: many dictators, have taken advantage of this', to strengthen their power, posing as powerful sorcerers.
Under the settlers, for the slaves, it was forbidden to practice Voodoo.
Dances were allowed occasional weekends, but these dances were actually services Voodoo!
In this way he could survive.
After the liberation of 1804, all the whites were expelled from Haiti and many were killed, including Catholic priests, so the Vatican broke with Haiti which has not had relations for more than 50 years.
During this period, there has been a strange fusion of the spirit of religion and African Catholicism, virtually all lwa (spirits), they are associated with Catholic saints (Dumballah, the loa snake, is St. Patrick, Erzulie, mother earth, is the Virgin Mary, etc ..).
The most important consequence of this is that the Vuduisti, do not find anything strange in practicing Catholicism and voodoo together, managing to be very devoted to both.
From 1860 to 1940, the Catholic Church has led campaigns against Voodoo without any success.
In 1941-1942 there was the holy war against Voodoo, were burned, shrines, killed houngans and mambo and tried to banish from society.
But they lost, because the Voodoo, one hand went under the ground, but on the other has grown in popularity due to their oppression.
In the early 1950s, the Catholic hierarchy has stopped this war, getting rid of the warriors and priests making peace with Voodoo.
Not being able to defeat them, voodoo drums and melodies were incorporated in religious Catholic.
Until 1970, Haiti was almost 100% Catholic.
In 1970 came the evangelical Protestantism.
After that, in the US Reagan came to power, the evangelization hath multiplied.
The evangelical Protestants, are bitter enemies of Voodoo who denounce as devil worship.
Many Protestants claim that the misery of Haiti is a punishment from God for the sins of her serviteurs Voodoo.
Evangelical Protestant groups have 7 of 11 radio stations in Haiti and have made significant gains in conversions.
Under the settlers, for the slaves, it was forbidden to practice Voodoo.
Dances were allowed occasional weekends, but these dances were actually services Voodoo!
In this way he could survive.
After the liberation of 1804, all the whites were expelled from Haiti and many were killed, including Catholic priests, so the Vatican broke with Haiti which has not had relations for more than 50 years.
During this period, there has been a strange fusion of the spirit of religion and African Catholicism, virtually all lwa (spirits), they are associated with Catholic saints (Dumballah, the loa snake, is St. Patrick, Erzulie, mother earth, is the Virgin Mary, etc ..).
The most important consequence of this is that the Vuduisti, do not find anything strange in practicing Catholicism and voodoo together, managing to be very devoted to both.
From 1860 to 1940, the Catholic Church has led campaigns against Voodoo without any success.
In 1941-1942 there was the holy war against Voodoo, were burned, shrines, killed houngans and mambo and tried to banish from society.
But they lost, because the Voodoo, one hand went under the ground, but on the other has grown in popularity due to their oppression.
In the early 1950s, the Catholic hierarchy has stopped this war, getting rid of the warriors and priests making peace with Voodoo.
Not being able to defeat them, voodoo drums and melodies were incorporated in religious Catholic.
Until 1970, Haiti was almost 100% Catholic.
In 1970 came the evangelical Protestantism.
After that, in the US Reagan came to power, the evangelization hath multiplied.
The evangelical Protestants, are bitter enemies of Voodoo who denounce as devil worship.
Many Protestants claim that the misery of Haiti is a punishment from God for the sins of her serviteurs Voodoo.
Evangelical Protestant groups have 7 of 11 radio stations in Haiti and have made significant gains in conversions.
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