venerdì 23 gennaio 2015



Also this year, humpback whales are coming from the cold North Sea, in the warm waters of Samana Bay to give birth and then mate again.
Towards April, pregnant females will share first, followed by individuals not yet adults and in the end by females with small born this year. When they reach the cold waters of Antarctica, rich in nutrients, remain united again, until the next migration.

The body length of these cetaceans varies from 11 to 16 meters! The females are generally longer than males and can weigh up to 40 000 kg
The small at birth are about 4 meters long and can reach 680 kg.
Their puff can reach 3 m high and can have different shapes.
The males produce a complex hand, to attract females, which lasts 10 to 20 minutes and is repeated for several hours. They make wonderful acrobatics, which may be manifestations of courtship or simple fun.

Sometimes they throw themselves into the air with his head forward falling into the water with a dive, at least emerge with about two-thirds of the body and their evolution ends falling on your stomach or side or on the back and generally is the only opportunity to see the whole animal.
Younger make jumps very high and often perform somersaults and twists complete before diving again.
Some slam on the water surface lepinne pectoral, which can reach a length equal to about one third of that of their body and which are the longest of all cetaceans.


From Playa grande, the beach of Las Galeras, one can see in the distance their breaths,
or you can organize wonderful boat trips, perhaps to Playa Fronton, to see them up close.
Often they are the ones who approach curious, improvising the shows unique and truly exciting. They perform jumps and dips, that with their size make us feel small small!

Haitianarts painting whales Samana Bay

                                                                   n.146 cm.46x151
                                                                semi-gloss on canvas

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